Wednesday, July 16, 2008

engine takes to water

First post eh? Well, I lost a great deal of my belongings including countless records, cd's and seven inches in an unexpected landlord initiated move earlier this year. I've retrieved many things from the basement, much of it covered in brackish water and giant rat feces. It sits in a big pile (my vinyl, my expensive photography books, i think there's a leica m4p in there) accruing $160 a month from the good people at Storage Deluxe.

This all would have ben much worse had it not been for the mp3 blogs I've been frequenting in the last few months, re- acquiring music i had already paid for years ago. So i figure other people are in the same boat. Most of the music i'm going to post here is out of print records from broken up bands. I probably should have called it that.

Also, I've never had a blog before, so go easy on me and feel free to make any suggestions. Thanks.

1 comment:

michaeldustdevil said...

welcome!... make it a good one!!!... Mxxx