Saturday, October 4, 2008


Tanner is a plucky, pint-sized racist who plays second base for the “Bad News” Bears in the North Valley Little League outside of Los Angeles. From what I can tell, he's not very fond of Jews, sp*cs, ni**ers, pansies, that booger eating moron Timmy Lupus or coach Buttercrud. He also seems to really hate the Yankees, who he thinks are "real turds."

20 years and some 137 miles away, in San Diego, a band called Fishwife calls it quits and 3/4 of that band (Matt Ohlin, Gar Wood and Chris Prescott) decide to stick it out together under a different name (yes, attentive readers, another 3/4-of-another-band band). Together they help flesh out the 90's San Diego sound as well as the larger post-hardcore thing: using noise and dissonance to contrast more melodic elements; the chug-along; the suddenly-floor-it-only-to-slam-on-the-brakes-and-throw-it-in-reverse. They can be put in the same boat as Drive Like Jehu (Mark Trombino recorded this record for them), though having only one guitar precludes them from being nearly as intricate. But they make the most with what they have. So it’s got the chunk, the pleasing dissonance, some of the math and enough hooks to keep it interesting. "Ill Gotten Gains" is the first of the 2 records they put out and its the one I prefer. And I stole the name of this blog from one of its songs.

we don't need the bullets. the gun is enough.


Ape Mummy said...

Good to see you back. A helluva good record!

Brooklyn Bill said...

thanks, ape mummy. it's just that i'm so damn lazy. im going to try and do a bunch all at once while i can scrape up the motivation.

Ape Mummy said...

You know, I've been uploading 10 records at a time to Mediafire, then writing little 100 word shitstorms when I get a second. Very half-assed, at a time where that's all I can really do on mine.

ograwker said...

You got a great site here. check out mine at
I was just about to post Moving Targets Burning In Water LP, but then I found your site. I'll go with their Less than gravity 7''. Got a couple Volcano Suns posts too. Linked you on my site, if you could do the same it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Nathan Nothin' here from NSS. Thanks for the comment over at my blog about RootBoy Slim. I added a link to your blog over at mine.
Thanks again, now I'm gonna look around here.

Anonymous said...

Great Job!
Thank you very much!

icastico said...

I am posting out of print stuff from all the broke up bands I've been in...


Just getting started. Much more to come.

panzan said...

sorry to see you got hit by "sexy," too.

anyway, just writing to let you know that i just put Tanner's second LP "(Germo) Phobic" up on my blog - You have a great collection here. Maybe you'll like some stuff on mine, too.

BzzKnzz said...

Hey, you haven't posted in a while. Hope you will soon!

Anonymous said...

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dissertation writing uk said...

it's not so good that you stole their song's name. but whatever - who cares :D :D well done

drug test kits said...

I love this band I went 2 Germany,Hamburg for 2 weeks and I came to this concert in English the band is called we are heroes and TANNER was the opening act every since then I love them!!!

writers company said...

tanned phone apparatus? LOL)) It's funny :D :D Very original idea